Performance Management
Wolfpack Performance Plan system training available through REPORTER
SHRA Employees
Review Cycle: April 1 – March 31
NC State University’s commitment and practice is to provide timely performance feedback to each SHRA employee. The development of annual performance plans and regular performance appraisals provide an opportunity for employees to understand how their responsibilities and performance expectations align with the goals and priorities of their work unit and the University’s strategic plan initiatives. The SHRA Performance Appraisal Program places emphasis on both institutional goals and individual goals while streamlining the content of the performance plan, standardizing the categories for evaluation, increasing the accuracy and defensibility of performance ratings, and promoting effective communication between employees and supervisors. The policy and program applies to all SHRA probationary, time-limited and permanent, and career status employees. This process does not apply to temporary employees.
EPS (formerly EHRA Non-Faculty) Employees
Review Cycle: July 1 – June 30
NC State University’s commitment and practice is to provide timely performance feedback at least annually to each EHRA non-faculty employee. Regular performance evaluations provide an opportunity for employees to understand how their responsibilities and performance expectations align with the goals and priorities of their work unit and the University’s strategic plan initiatives. They also provide a defined cycle of review for managers and employees to assess employee success toward meeting operational needs and professional development goals.
EHRA Faculty Employees
Faculty are evaluated in various ways. Links to several policies are listed below. Additional information regarding faculty performance management is found on the Policy, Regulations, and Rules website.
- Annual Reviews of Faculty Members
- Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Annual and Post-Tenure Review
- Comprehensive Review of Tenured Faculty
Postdoctoral Scholars
Faculty mentors are expected to provide postdocs with annual performance evaluations for all postdocs who have been employed at NC State University for at least 90 days.. Following are documents that may be utilized in this process: