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Engineer Your Experience Program

Funding is available to support participation in a wide range of experiences to enhance your education in the College of Engineering.  We challenge you to Engineer Your Experience!

Support is only for undergraduate engineering students at this time.


We are glad you are visiting the EYE Program website. This is an essential resource for our undergraduate engineering students who pay the enhancement fee. Please review this website and take advantage of this funding by submitting a request for the following items: Professional Development Conferences/Webinars and Technical Certifications. 

For Study Abroad, Alternative Service Break Trips and Developing Cultural Competence Program, you will work directly with that office.  Please read further information under the program link on this website that you are interested in participating in. Email us at if you have any questions.

Learn more about the EYE Experience

Learn more about the EYE program through a series of videos captured during the 2021 EYE Extravaganza where current students discussed the numerous opportunities awarded to them through the program. View the playlist here.

Only NC State engineering students and engineering student organization groups (only engineering majors) can request financial support. You cannot request financial support if your primary enrollment institution is UNC-Asheville or UNC-Chapel Hill for joint programs. If you are in the Paper Science & Engineering (PSE), Textile Engineering (TE), or Biological Engineering (BE) Majors, the EYE team will review your EYE Request.  If it is approved, the EYE team will contact the Department for final approval.

*Funds will not support students outside the College of Engineering.

Program Deadlines

NOTE: UPDATED Deadlines for EYE Request for travel:

  • DOMESTIC Travel
    • You must submit an EYE Request Form 6 weeks before you travel.
    • The EYE Program no longer supports international conference travel.  The only exception is for students who are presenting a paper/research and supporting documentation must be provided, and the decision to approve is left up to the EYE Program.

The EYE Request form will be open on the first day of classes for the fall and spring semesters.

  • Fall semester
    • The form will close on December 1st.
  • Spring semester
    • The form will close on April 1st. 
    • Spring requests can be made for events that will take place in the spring, summer, and up to the middle of September.

The EYE Request form is closed during the summer.

Requirements to Request Funding

  • You must be an Engineering undergraduate student at NC State
  • Students must have paid the enhancement fee
  • We STRONGLY encourage students to plan ahead.
      • Request must be submitted 6 weeks before you travel.
      • The EYE Program no longer supports international conference travel.  The only exception is for students who are presenting a paper/research and supporting documentation must be provided, and the decision to approve is left up to the EYE Program. 
Note: You must plan accordingly. DO NOT make purchases and expect reimbursement. Reimbursements are NOT guaranteed.

Code of Conduct

Students, we expect you to follow the Code of Student Conduct.  If you submit a request that has any false information, it will be denied and you will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.

Please be aware of the entire Code of Student Conduct and especially section 10.13.


(a)  Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any known false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergencies;

(b)  Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, records, or instrument of identification;

(c)  Furnishing false information, oral or written, to any University official, faculty or staff member, or office; or

(d)  Possession or use of an instrument of identification that is not one’s own or is fictitious or altered.

Engineering Student Experience Opportunities

All disciplines of engineering have multiple conferences for students and professionals to attend.  You will learn about these different conferences from your faculty members, engineering colleagues and engineering staff members.  If you want to attend a conference, do your homework and find the conference website, conference agenda and travel information. Before you submit your request, be sure you submit a PDF file of the conference agenda.  We must have this agenda in order for your request to be reviewed. 

Conferences related to departmental research/sponsored research are not supported.

Engineering Student Design Competition

NC State University has a number of student design competitions that occur annually.  Some of these include: Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Student Unmanned Aerial Systems Competition (AUVSI SUAS competition), BAJA Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) Competitions in Tennessee and Rochester, Formula SAE Competitions in Lincoln, NE and Brooklyn, MI.  You will learn about these different competitions from your faculty members, engineering colleagues and engineering staff members.   If you want to attend a competition, do your homework and find the competition website, competition agenda and travel information. Before you submit your request, be sure you have a PDF of the competition agenda ready to submit.  We must have this agenda in order for your request to be reviewed.  

You will work directly with the Leadership & Civic Engagement Office.  DO NOT complete an EYE Program Request.

 Leadership Civic and Engagement

DO NOT complete the student fund request form for an ASB trip; notify the ASB trip leaders and Leadership & Civic Engagement staff and let them know you are a College of Engineering student and some portion your airfare for the trip will be supported.

You MUST complete the Study Abroad Scholarship form to be considered for EYE Program support.  By completing this form, it does NOT commit you to participate in the Study Abroad Program.  Many students need to find out what financial support they can receive before they make a final decision.

All study abroad programs must be credit-bearing for Engineering students to receive financial support from the EYE Program. 

Study Abroad Program Scholarships –Complete the scholarship application first:

Scholarship Cycles and Dates:

How to Apply for Study Abroad Programs:

Study Abroad Funding Information Sessions:

**Students must be aware of the Study Abroad deadline dates.  You are responsible for meeting the deadline dates.  The EYE Program and Study Abroad Office can’t make any exceptions on these deadline dates.

If you are selected to receive a student travel award, you will receive an award letter with the amount of your award.

Please note the following:

  • You must accept and sign the document before it’s awarded.
  • This award will be considered as part of your Financial Aid package.
  • You will receive the award in your My Pack Portal student account.
  • You need to make your plans for your Study Abroad trip accordingly.

There are approximately 74 engineering student organizations at NC State.  If you have an idea that will benefit engineering students, please submit your request via email to or set up a time to speak with Dr. Hoover-Plonk.

Workshops and Certificate Programs

All undergraduate engineering students are invited to participate in one Engineering Interest Circle focused on various topics of personal interests such as entrepreneurship, space, or art/music (these are only examples).  We know students want to have more engagement and community with their peers.  The groups will be led by an engineering NCSU alumni member who is excited to meet all of you and share their feedback regarding this similar interest and their career trajectory and lead your group in meaningful conversations.  The students will meet four times during the spring semester, each meeting lasting approximately 60-75 minutes.  Join us for this valuable time to hang out and meet your peers and a wonderful NCSU College of Engineering Alumni Member.

The GREEN Program is offering two exceptional certificate program opportunities for our NCSU Engineering students. We hope you can take advantage of them. If you are accepted, the cost of the program certificate will be covered for you. This program will provide you the opportunity to work with some key engineering problems while learning about them in an international context. No travel is involved. Employers are looking for students that have international experience, and this is one way to gain that experience without traveling.

Nepal: Ethics of Sustainable Development 

Peru: Indigenous Knowledge of Sustainable Practices and Systems

For more details and registration information:

Do you want a technical certification to help fine-tune your skills? Get certified in Six Sigma, PowerBI, AWS, and other highly marketable certifications by applying to the form below. For more details regarding each certification, check out the hyperlinked certifications!

AWS Cloud Practitioner or Speciality
Analyzing Data with PowerBI
Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
Microsoftt Azure Fundamentals
Microsoft Database Fundamentals
Six Sigma Certification

For more details and registration information, complete the EYE Request Form at the bottom of the page.

The DCC certificate program consists of self-paced learning activities and four 90-minute live Zoom sessions that facilitate discussion and cultural exchange among its participants. Overall, the DCC provides a framework to discuss cultural differences among participants. It gives students the tools to talk about diversity, inclusion, and equity in different cultural settings which is a crucial component of cultural competency.

The $100 cost is covered by the EYE Program if undergraduate students have paid the fee.

Register Here:


Yes! The College of Engineering is dedicated to supporting every engineering student on their path to becoming an engineer. All experiences MUST have an engineering focus OR support your professional development in order to be considered for financial support.  Part of the request form includes your ability to provide this connection to engineering and/or professional development. If the request has no connection to engineering or professional development then the request will be denied. 

Some items that cannot be approved include but are not limited to tuition reimbursement, personal expenses, food, gas, Uber/Lift, internship expenses, museum tickets or any type of entertainment tickets.

A College of Engineering Committee will review all requests submitted by the designated deadlines.  You will hear back about your request within 5-7 days.

No in-person travel will be reimbursed in the fall because of the travel restrictions.  When the restrictions are lifted, then reimbursements may be considered.

The College of Engineering MAY be able to reimburse you for funds used for approved travel or reimbursement area that have an engineering focus used to enhance your skills. You are not guaranteed reimbursement. 

If you have already bought an airline ticket, conference registration or hotel and would like to see if you can be reimbursed, please email the Coordinator of Enhancement Programs at:

You must submit receipts within 30 days of the trip being completed to be considered for reimbursement.  No exceptions will be made.


Engineer Your Experience Application

Please use the form link below to request support.

EYE Student Advisory Committee

This group of students will meet throughout the year and provide feedback to the Coordinator of the EYE program regarding marketing, student access and serve as the voice of their peers.  They will also assist in conducting information sessions about the EYE program.  All of these students have utilized the EYE program, and they have already provided valuable feedback to advance the program. *Note:  the EYE Student Advisory Committee began in the fall of 2019.

Hannah Braswell
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Allison Pumer
Mechanical Engineering
Kaelan Moore
Biomed & Health Science Engineering
Erik Modesto Reyes
Electrical & Computer Engineering


If you have any questions, please contact the EYE Coordinator via email below.