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Engineer Your Experience Program — How To Apply

Financial Support for Engineering Experiences

Funding is available to support your participation in a wide range of experiences to enhance your education in the College of Engineering.  We challenge you to Engineer Your Experience

We are able to support the registration cost to attend virtual conferences or webinars that are considered part of your professional development.

Study Abroad and Alternative Break Service trips will be given some financial support contingent on travel restrictions being lifted and funds being available. Please check back to stay updated.

If you have any questions AFTER reading this information, please email


If you have any questions, please email

Program Deadlines

The EYE Request form will be open on the first day of classes for the fall and spring semesters.

Fall semester: the form will be closed on December 1st.

Spring semester: the form will be closed on April 1st. 

Spring requests can be made for events that will take place in the spring, summer, and up to the middle of September.

The EYE Request form is closed during the summer.

It’s easy as 1-2-3

  1. Decide what experience you want to participate in or create. 
  2. Read the information below BEFORE you complete the Engineer Your Experience (EYE) Request Form.  You must be able to provide the following information as a part of your request:
    1. Name, Student ID#, Engineering Major
    2. Name of the event in which you want to participate and website link
    3. Copy of the event’s agenda and website link
    4. Cost of the event
    5. Answer the following questions:  Briefly discuss the engineering focus and/or value of this experience and briefly list three skills or outcomes that will be enhanced by participating in this opportunity.
    6. If you are completing the request for a group (2 or more students) then you need to attach a list of students with their names, Student ID # and Engineering Major
    7. Provide an email from a faculty member or staff member in engineering that is aware of your interest in participating in the event
  3.  You will be notified within 5-7 days, after the cycle deadline date, by the Coordinator of Student Enhancement Programs whether or not your request has been approved or denied, and you will be directed as to the next steps you need to take.

Requirements to Request Funding

  • You must be an Engineering undergraduate student at NC State
  • Students must have paid the enhancement fee
  • We STRONGLY encourage students to plan ahead.
NOTE:  You must plan accordingly; DO NOT make purchases and expect reimbursement. Reimbursements are NOT guaranteed.

International Travel Requests: Open for requests
The request must be submitted 6 weeks before the travel date.

Domestic Travel Requests: Open for requests
The request must be submitted 4 weeks before the event date.

Code of Student Conduct

Students, we expect you to follow the Code of Student Conduct.  If you submit a request that has any false information, it will be denied and you will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.

Please be aware of the entire Code of Student Conduct and especially section 10.13.


(a)  Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any known false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergencies;

(b)  Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, records, or instrument of identification;

(c)  Furnishing false information, oral or written, to any University official, faculty or staff member, or office; or

(d)  Possession or use of an instrument of identification that is not one’s own or is fictitious or altered.

Types of Requests: Individual and Group

Individual Requests (1 student):

DO NOT complete the request if you are part of a Group.  The group needs to designate ONE student to complete the request on behalf of the group.

Step1:  Complete the funding form request:

Provide as many details as you can along with supporting documentation such as a conference agenda.

Step 2:  You will receive a response within approximately 5-7 days.  If approved, you will be connected with the appropriate staff members to assist you with the next steps.

Be prepared to complete an AP 104 form for any travel.  This must be approved before any purchases can be made. The Coordinator will send this form to you if your travel is approved.

You must provide an agenda of the conference which includes the name of the conference, dates, and location of the conference. Example below.

The example provides the Name of Conference, Schedule of each day’s events, Location of Conference, and Date of Conference.

Group Requests (2 or more students):

Note:  Your group needs to have selected a team lead to complete the request form.  Individual group members DO NOT need to submit a separate/individual request.

Step1:  Complete the funding form request:

For groups of engineering students attending a conference, select a trip leader to complete the form for the entire group.  This leader must provide a list of all students attending the conference (first & last name), each student’s NCSU ID# and their ENG major.  You must provide an agenda of the conference which includes the name of the conference, dates, and location of the conference. Example below. 

The example provides the Name of Conference, Schedule of each day’s events, Location of Conference, and Date of Conference.

Step 2:  You will receive a response within approximately 5-7 days.  If approved, you will be connected with the appropriate staff members to assist you with the next step.

Each student in the group must complete an AP 104 form for the conference.  This must be approved before any purchases can be made.  The Coordinator will send this form to you if your travel is approved.


Yes! The College of Engineering is dedicated to supporting every engineering student on their path to becoming an engineer. All experiences MUST have an engineering focus OR support your professional development in order to be considered for financial support.  Part of the request form includes your ability to provide this connection to engineering and/or professional development. If the request has no connection to engineering or professional development then the request will be denied.  

Some items that cannot be approved include but are not limited to tuition reimbursement, personal expenses, food, gas, Uber/Lift, internship expenses, museum tickets, or any type of entertainment tickets.

A College of Engineering Committee will review all requests submitted by the designated deadlines.  You will hear back about your request within 5-7 days.

No in-person travel will be reimbursed in the fall because of the travel restrictions.  When the restrictions are lifted, then reimbursements may be considered.

The College of Engineering MAY be able to reimburse you for funds used for approved travel or reimbursement area that have an engineering focus used to enhance your skills. You are not guaranteed reimbursement

If you have already bought an airline ticket, conference registration or hotel and would like to see if you can be reimbursed, please email the Coordinator of Enhancement Programs at:

You must submit receipts within 30 days of the trip being completed to be considered for reimbursement.  No exceptions will be made.



Engineer Your Experience Application

Please use the form link below to request support.