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Training Modules

The College Research Office, along with the College HR and Finance Offices have put together the training modules for the calendar year 2023.

We will be bringing back the module training sessions followed by zoom sessions where we offer breakout rooms to discuss case studies provided by you, the participants. 

The module training sessions will be offered with in-person and zoom options to meet the needs of most everyone.  After those sessions, we will ask for real-time case studies from the participants. We will then host zoom sessions where the case studies will be discussed in breakout rooms.  In 2021 we received lots of positive feedback from the participants when the breakout room option was utilized. 

Our modules will be updated with current information, guidelines, links, etc., so it will be important to attend in 2023 even if you have attended in the past. 

Some of the topics we will be covering are:

  • Pre Award – Proposal Processing
  • Post Award – New Award Review
  • PMR/Chartfield/Internal Distributions
  • Cost Share
  • TEARS/Effort
  • Salaries/SDC’s/Release Time/Summer Salary/Retro 90 Day Actions
  • Procurement/Business Practices
  • Audits with Case Studies
  • Reporting (web based, monthly, yearly, internal, external)

When invitations start going out in February of 2023, please invite others in your departments and units you feel could benefit from this training. As you may recall, the Finance, Human Resources, and Research Offices feel everyone can benefit from any training being offered by the College, as our responsibilities overlap at some point in time during our careers at NCSU.

Pat Hayes, Director
Laurinda Perez, Assistant Director