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Student and staff examine solar array on top of Fitts-Woolard Hall wearing PPE.

Sep 12, 2023

NC State hosts Energy Week

Discover how NC State shapes a clean energy future during NC State Energy Week Sept. 25-29, 2023. 

Jenni Mangala wearing a grey NC State t-shirt stands in front of a Rwandan secondary school.

Aug 18, 2023

Student project aims to install solar panels at a primary school in Rwanda

From more than 7,000 miles away, NC State University student Jenni Mangala, a rising senior majoring in electrical engineering, is coordinating the installation of solar panels at a primary school on an island in Rwanda. 

angular metal arch silhouetted against a cloudy sky

Jul 6, 2023

Is our phosphorus use sustainable? Most stakeholders doubt it

The study underscores the complex challenges facing efforts to ensure our continued access to a critical agricultural and industry resource. 

An illustration of the self-sustaining, circular system of "microcleaners." The soft dendricolloids (orange) are functionalized with peptides that bind to the colored microplastic pieces. These microplastics are then consumed by engineered microbes (green) to be used as fuel or to be made into more microcleaners.

Jun 6, 2023

Reduce, reuse, recycle

NC State University researchers are studying the fundamental science behind how to address plastic waste. 

image of NC State belltower behind cherry blossoms and trees

May 9, 2023

Meet the graduates: Class of 2023 Sustainability Stewards

Meet the class of 2023 Sustainability Stewards who have created a lasting impact for campus sustainability. 

Young woman in garden smiling.

Apr 26, 2023

Interdisciplinary garden bridges engineering, food security

Graduate student Jasmine Gibson is leading the transformation of a grassy patch next to the D.S. Weaver Laboratories into an active, educational space that promotes urban horticulture and farming practices. 

Winners of NC State's Sustainability Awards pose for a group picture while flashing the Wolf hand sign. They are standing in front of a black fabric background.

Apr 21, 2023

Nuclear engineering senior is student recipient of NC State’s Sustainability Awards

These 2023 Sustainability Awards recipients leave an impact on campus and beyond. 

Mike Walden wearing glasses, a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and red tie sits at a desk behind a microphone.

Mar 14, 2023

You decide: will North Carolina be a leader in new energy?

With new technologies on the rise, the energy economy can seem to shift in various directions. Is North Carolina positioned to capitalize on these new paths? 

Close-up photo of man holding a yam tuber partially wrapped in banana paper prior to planting.

Feb 23, 2023

Yams benefit from banana ‘paper’ cocoon

Wrap-and-plant technique shows promise for increasing tuber size, yields and storage quality.