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interdisciplinary research

a woman and a man stand in a field of green crops

Sep 26, 2024

New NC State web tool delivers precise soybean planting recommendations

BeanPACK, a new soybean growers decision support tool designed to revolutionize on-farm recommendations, will be released Oct. 1, in time to inform statewide planting decisions for the 2025 growing season.… 

Center for Advanced Photocatalysis logo

Sep 17, 2024

NC State receives NSF grant to establish the Center for Accelerated Photocatalysis

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced that North Carolina State University will direct a center that deploys self-driving labs (SDLs) to accelerate discovery for reactions which use light as a catalyst in challenging chemical transformations. The NSF Center for Accelerated Photocatalysis (CAPs) is supported by an NSF Centers for Chemical Innovation (CCI) Program Phase I… 

Four people standing in front of a USDA building

Sep 13, 2024

Grad students put data science skills into action for agriculture

For Neha Jagtap, a recent internship with leading national scientists proved to be a rewarding chance to gain experience solving a real-world agricultural challenge with knowledge she’s gained from computer… 

A graphic & data visualization of green and red tomatoes cut in half.

Sep 12, 2024

Precision sensors: an innovative future for agriculture

In the summer of 2022, growers in North Carolina were alarmed to find a new variant of the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). Transmitted by insects called thrips and resistant to existing treatments, TSWV is difficult to eliminate and can ruin an entire crop. With one of the widest ranges among plant diseases, it also… 

Cooper howling wolf sculpture near greenery and benches

Sep 12, 2024

New training program tackles AI and plant science challenges

The new GRAD-AID for Ag program will give graduate students the chance to drive innovation in artificial intelligence technologies at the intersection of basic and applied plant sciences. 

Diseased tomato plants

Aug 23, 2024

Toward better plant disease prediction

Each year, farmers worldwide lose 20% to 40% of their crops to disease. To help farmers reduce these losses, North Carolina State University researchers are using knowledge gained over the…