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biomedical engineering

Nov 20, 2017

Biomedical spinout company raises $5.8 million for ‘smart’ insulin devices

A Research Triangle Park startup founded by Dr. Zhen Gu, associate professor in the UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, has received a $5.8 million cash infusion to continue translation efforts of ‘smart’ insulin devices. 

transdermal patch

Nov 15, 2017

Cancer immunotherapy uses melanin against melanoma

Researchers have developed a melanin-enhanced cancer immunotherapy technique that can also serve as a vaccine, based on early experiments done in a mouse model. 

Nov 3, 2017

Study shows need for adaptive powered knee prosthesis to assist amputees

Study shows adaptive robotic prosthesis could be helpful to amputees attempting to adapt to real-world situations, like carrying a backpack. 

Aerial view of Engineering Buildings and Hunt Library on Centennial Campus

Oct 17, 2017

Allbritton receives 2017 Edward Kidder Graham Award

Dr. Nancy Allbritton, Kenan Distinguished Professor and chair of the UNC-NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering was awarded the 2017 Edward Kidder Graham Award at the University of North Carolina Chapel-Hill’s University Day celebrations on Oct. 12, 2017. 

Oct 13, 2017

Gu receives Young Investigator Award from Controlled Release Society

Dr. Zhen Gu, associate professor in the UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, has received the Young Investigator Award from the Controlled Release Society. 

bell tower

Sep 26, 2017

Michael McKnight ’12 and NC State’s ASSIST Center revolutionize prosthetic limb technology

When Michael McKnight ‘12 outlines the fundamentals of his research in layman’s terms, it is evident that the path he has chosen for himself is not for the faint of heart: “What I am doing is 40% electrical engineering, 20% textile science, some percent material science, and then some percentage of biomedical engineering to be able to understand how to design for implementation.” 

Aug 24, 2017

Inventor shares tech transfer tips

NC State’s Fran Ligler, a recent inductee in the National Inventors Hall of Fame, knows what it takes to move research discoveries from the lab to the marketplace. She shared her insights at a Centennial Campus event last week. 

First place for video among graduate students and postdocs goes to Tyler Allen, a Ph.D. student in NC State’s Comparative Biomedical Sciences program, for the glowing video he titled “Heart of Gold,” showing how researchers study zebrafish hearts for their potential to help humans with heart diseases. (The video can be seen at the top of this post.)

Aug 4, 2017

Fish hearts and air flow: Video winners of the 2017 NC State Research Image Contest

Videos that highlight the beauty of NC State research. 

This topographic map of Mars, submitted by Paul Byrne, won first place for faculty in the graphics category.

Aug 4, 2017

From planetary to microscopic: Winners of the 2017 NC State Research Image Contest

From a map of Mars to the microscopic surface of a leaf that only looks like an alien landscape, see the NC State Research Image Contest winners.