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biological and agricultural engineering

N.C. PSI plant sciences initiative graduate students research learn from farmers and NC State Extension

Dec 13, 2023

Engineering students learn about researching agricultural challenges on the backroads

In the second annual N.C. PSI Backroad Tour, graduate students and postdocs from several colleges visited farmers and producers across the state. 

Raven Cummings poses seated on ground outdoors beneath tree. Green shrubbery and grey concrete garden bench are in the background.

Aug 23, 2023

Meet Raven Cummings, incoming first-year student from Pembroke

As a rising high school senior in 2022, Raven Cummings spent a weekend at NC State University that helped put her on the path she’s on today. 

Paige Seibert in a lab

Jul 21, 2023

Biological and agricultural engineering student explores biofuel at national laboratory

This summer, biological and agricultural engineering major Paige Seibert is learning how to turn carbon dioxide into biofuel at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado. 

Young woman in garden smiling.

Apr 26, 2023

Interdisciplinary garden bridges engineering, food security

Graduate student Jasmine Gibson is leading the transformation of a grassy patch next to the D.S. Weaver Laboratories into an active, educational space that promotes urban horticulture and farming practices. 

White four-wheeled box-like robot with vertical camera mount in the middle. Robot is in front of a large field of mature corn. A late in the day sunset is behind a partly cloudy sky in the background.

Mar 7, 2023

Wheeled robot measures leaf angles to help breed better corn plants

The technology is more efficient than conventional techniques, providing plant breeders with useful data more quickly. 

Red farm tractor with spray attachment on rear in middle of field of young crops.

Sep 30, 2022

Back to the future

Assistant professor Lirong Xiang is BAE’s newest faculty member specializing in the area of robotics, sensors and control systems. She holds a bachelor in biosystems engineering from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou China, and most recently, a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering from Iowa State University (ISU).  

Tube furnace used for catalytic graphitization of biomass waste resources.

Sep 27, 2022

$2.25M grant awarded to develop sustainable energy products from waste streams

A team of researchers in NC State’s College of Natural Resources and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has been awarded a $2.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and battery-grade graphite using seaweed and wood waste. 

Jul 29, 2021

Student finds family and high-flying fulfillment in BAE

Enrique Pena Martinez explored the use of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) technology to help improve agriculture data collection and planning. 

Memorial Bell Tower and spring flowers

May 17, 2021

NC State announces inaugural Goodnight Early Career Innovators

Ten faculty members in the College of Engineering or affiliated departments are among the 24 recognized by a new program for promising NC State early-career faculty whose scholarship is in STEM or STEM education.