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Artificial Intelligence

Students from PItt county visited Centennial Campus for an engineering computer science camp that dealt with AI and robotics. Students coded movement of a small, spherical robot around an obstical course.

Jan 19, 2024

K-12 students from eastern NC explore AI in new camp

The NSF has emphasized a need for more K-12 learning experiences with AI. Through a grant, which runs from 2022-25, NC State researchers will engage with more than 500 students and 20 teachers. 

Dec 14, 2023

Accelerating the future of innovation in science and technology

When it comes to navigating the future of scientific discovery, NC States sits in the driver’s seat. On January 11-12, 2024, the Integrative Sciences Initiative will host FUTURE Labs Workshop, designed to discuss the progress and future of self-driving labs. 

Photo credit of robotic hand: Possessed Photography. Edited to show robot holding a pH scale.

Dec 11, 2023

New HS curriculum teaches color chemistry and AI simultaneously

NC State researchers develop short module to drive student curiosity about real-world data. 

illustration shows the shape of a brain, but made up of circuits.

Dec 4, 2023

AI networks are more vulnerable to malicious attacks than previously thought

A study finds AI tools are more vulnerable than previously thought to targeted attacks that effectively force AI systems to make bad decisions. 

Illustration shows a robot conducting chemistry experiments in front of a high-tech machine.

Nov 14, 2023

Autonomous lab discovers best-in-class quantum dot in hours; it would have taken humans years

A new autonomous system can identify how to synthesize “best-in-class” materials for specific applications in hours, rather than years. 

NC State researchers place waste items on a conveyor belt.

Nov 10, 2023

AI-powered waste management system to revolutionize recycling

The system is expected to streamline the collection of non-recyclable waste for conversion into renewable products, energy and fuel. 

A group of people sitting at a conference table.

Nov 9, 2023

Technical University of Denmark and NC State explore new collaboration opportunities

Leadership from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) recently visited NC State to uncover new interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen and Senior Executive Officer for Research, Advice and Innovation Ellen Als met with university faculty and staff representing fields such as wearable technology, wireless communications, clean energy, quantum computing, cybersecurity, AI and autonomous vehicles. … 

NC State metal gateway sculpture silhouetted against the sky

Sep 27, 2023

New method helps AI navigate 3D space using 2D images

The new method builds on existing techniques, making them significantly more accurate. 

image shows two long, twisted strands of clear polymer

Sep 11, 2023

‘Brainless’ robot can navigate complex obstacles

Researchers who created a soft robot that could navigate simple mazes without computer direction have built on that work, creating a “brainless” robot that can navigate more complex environments.