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Kathi McBlief

Dr. Min Chi

Apr 27, 2017

Chi receives NSF CAREER award

Dr. Min Chi, assistant professor of computer science at North Carolina State University, has received a Faculty Early Career Development award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Apr 27, 2017

Scientists in Training

On Mondays this spring, NC State civil engineering student Miranda Mozick took a detour to Middle Creek Elementary, where she coached Science Olympiad teams in building strong, lightweight bridges with pasta and hot glue. 

Appetite for Ice team members, pictured left to right: Arthur Candido, Aman Patel, Saurabh Agrawal, Kevin Ley, Punnag Chatterjee, Danny Tyler and Raj Nikhil Gerard.

Apr 21, 2017

NC State team one of eight finalists in NASA’s Mars Ice Challenge

Eight teams are challenged with building a prototype of a drill that can extract and purify water from subsurface ice deposits to enable sustained human presence on Mars. This drill must withstand extreme conditions on the Red Planet and have both manual and remote control capabilities. 

Apr 13, 2017

Data Detectives

Early detection is the goal of the Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities, a partnership funded by the National Nuclear Security Administration and led by NC State. CNEC’s partners comprise seven universities and four national laboratories, all collaborating to stop the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons. 

Apr 13, 2017

College’s Alex Hsain wins Truman Scholarship

Hanan “Alex” Hsain, a junior majoring in materials science and engineering at North Carolina State University, has been awarded a 2017 Truman Scholarship. 

Apr 12, 2017

Researchers make the first flexible memory device using oxide ferroelectric material

For the first time, researchers have been able to deposit an ultra-thin oxide ferroelectric film onto a flexible polymer substrate. The research team used the flexible ferroelectric thin films to make non-volatile memory devices that are wearable and resilient. 

nuclear reator

Apr 12, 2017

Gilligan to receive 2017 ANS Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education

Dr. John Gilligan, executive associate dean of engineering, research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering and Distinguished University Professor of Nuclear Engineering at NC State, has been awarded the 2017 Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education by the Education, Training and Workforce Development Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). He will receive the award in a ceremony on June 12 at the ANS Annual Meeting in San Francisco. 

Mr. and Ms. Wolf

Apr 12, 2017

12 College of Engineering students named NSF Graduate Research Fellows

Twelve students in the College of Engineering at NC State won prestigious Graduate Fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Cover image of the Spring/Summer NC State Engineering Magazine

Apr 6, 2017

Read the Spring/Summer 2017 NC State Engineering magazine

The Spring/Summer 2017 NC State Engineering magazine revolves around the launch of Think and Do the Extraordinary, The Campaign for NC State. This issue covers our campaign priorities such as our next marquee building — Engineering Building Oval — and supporting the mission and vision of our strategic plan — support for world-class infrastructure, professorships, fellowships and scholarships.