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Kathi McBlief

Sep 10, 2013

New magnetic semiconductor material holds promise for ‘spintronics’

Researchers at North Carolina State University have created a new compound that can be integrated into silicon chips and is a dilute magnetic semiconductor – meaning that it could be used to make “spintronic” devices, which rely on magnetic force to operate. 

Sep 5, 2013

Shanghai ranking boosts engineering

NC State improved in the field of “engineering/technology and computer sciences” on a prestigious international scorecard of universities, jumping two spots from last year to rank No. 27 in the world for 2013. 

Aug 27, 2013

New energy model offers transparency to let others replicate findings

Computer models are used to inform policy decisions about energy, but existing models are generally “black boxes” that don’t show how they work, making it impossible for anyone to replicate their findings. Researchers from NC State University have developed a new open-source model. 

Aug 24, 2013

NC State partners with national security agency on big-data lab

North Carolina State University Chancellor Randy Woodson has announced a new partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA) to create the Laboratory for Analytic Sciences (LAS) on NC State’s Centennial Campus. The lab will bring together some of the brightest minds from government, academia and industry to address the most challenging big-data problems and will be a cornerstone of the emerging advanced data innovation hub at NC State. 

Aug 23, 2013

Hagan announces $3 million grant awarded to triangle universities for cybersecurity research

U.S. Senator Kay Hagan recently announced that UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University and Duke University have received cybersecurity research awards totaling more than $3 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Aug 20, 2013

MAKEwithMOTO Roadshow stops by NC State

The MAKEwithMOTO roadshow made a pit stop on Centennial Campus at North Carolina State University Aug. 16-18. 

Aug 14, 2013

Robotic book retrieval

Did you know that robots retrieve books at the new James B. Hunt Jr. Library on Centennial Campus? 

Aug 14, 2013

Keeping kids engaged

Researchers at NC State evaluate how well middle school students are able to pay attention to game-based learning tasks. 

Aug 14, 2013

Racking up miles

Alumnus Brian Eastland finds success in NASCAR as an engineer and as part of a pit crew.