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College of Engineering presents senior awards

The 2012 Outstanding Senior Award winners (from left to right): Adam Newton, Krystian Kozek, Scott Moore and Matthew Ostrowski. (Photo: Jessica Wilson)
The 2012 Outstanding Senior Award winners (from left to right): Adam Newton, Krystian Kozek, Scott Moore and Matthew Ostrowski. (Photo: Jessica Wilson)

Four North Carolina State University engineering students received Outstanding Senior Awards at the 2012 College of Engineering Annual Awards Banquet on May 1.

The awards are presented each year to outstanding seniors who are nominated by their academic departments.

The 2012 winners, with category and nominating department:

Leadership – Adam Newton, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Citizenship and Service – Scott Moore, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Scholarly Achievement – Krystian Kozek, Materials Science and Engineering

Humanities – Matthew Ostrowski, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering