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From the Dean

Dr. Martin-Vega 
Dr. Louis A. Martin-Vega

Spring semesters are typically filled with anticipation and excitement in the College of Engineering. This semester, though, is more exciting than usual. On March 15, North Carolinians will vote on the Connect NC bond referendum. This bond includes funds that will help the College come one step closer to relocating to Centennial Campus. If the bond passes, NC State will receive $75 million in bond funds toward the $154 million needed to construct the new Engineering Oval building with the agreement that the College and University will provide the remaining funding.

Planning for the new 227,000-square-foot home to our Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering; Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering; and dean’s administration is already under way thanks to $2 million in planning money appropriated by the North Carolina Legislature last fall.

The College and University are working diligently to educate North Carolinians on the benefits of the bond, which include funds for community colleges, parks, the zoo and critical infrastructure projects across the state as well as upgrades for important National Guard facilities. In addition, the bond will help fund a new Plant Sciences building on Centennial Campus that will support the state’s vital agricultural economy. In all, the bond will directly affect 76 of North Carolina’s 100 counties, and the projects it funds will provide jobs across the state. I invite you to learn more about the bond at

Our NC State Engineering Foundation officers have already raised $20 million in commitments for Engineering Oval and are working diligently to raise the remaining $40 million in private funds needed for the project. I encourage you to contact the Foundation to find out more about this effort. You can also learn more about Engineering Oval at

As always, I hope that you will enjoy this special issue of the NC State Engineering magazine. You will learn about an exciting new development in carbon materials and the College’s latest leadership role in the new Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network. Also, please go ahead and mark your calendars for October 28th to attend Homecoming. We’ll be sharing news about a very significant development in the history of the College.

Thank you for your support of the College of Engineering.


Louis A. Martin-Vega, Ph.D., P.E.

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