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Your name here

Map showing naming opportunities

Would you like to leave a long-lasting mark on the College? Would you like to leave a legacy students and faculty members can look to and be reminded of the generosity that aids in their many academic and research opportunities? Naming rights are available in Engineering Building I, II, and III and the new Engineering Building Oval for classrooms, atriums, laboratory spaces or the building itself. This map (PDF) highlights some of those opportunities and some spaces that other alumni have committed to naming.

Naming Opportunities

  • Engineering Building I: Second large classroom and Center for Additive Manufacturing
  • Engineering Building II: Computer Science wing
  • Engineering Building III: Biomedical Engineering floor and Mechanical and Aerospace
    Engineering floor
  • Engineering Building Oval: Classrooms, atriums, laboratory spaces or the building itself

To learn more about naming opportunities, contact Griffin Lamb, assistant dean for development and college relations with the NC State Engineering Foundation, at or 919.515.7458. Want to learn more
about Engineering Building Oval?  Go to

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