Frey named Glenn E. Futrell Distinguished University Professor
Dr. Henry Christopher Frey has been named the Glenn E. Futrell Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University by Dr. Louis Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering.
Frey has been a member of the NC State faculty since 1994.
His research interests are in measurement and modeling of real-world fuel use and emissions of onroad and nonroad vehicles, exposure and risk analysis, development and application of methods for quantification of variability and uncertainty and for sensitivity analysis in environmental systems models, and modeling and evaluation of advanced energy conversion (e.g., combustion, gasification) and environmental control systems.
“His current research is focused on: (a) measurement and evaluation of techniques for reducing air pollutant emissions from passenger railroad locomotives; (b) measurement and modeling of human exposure to air pollution, especially related to pedestrian, bicycle, car and transit bus transportation models; and (c) measurement and modeling of the activity, energy use and emissions of highway vehicles.”
From 2012 to 2015, Frey served as chair of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). He is currently a member of the U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board. He served on the Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the National Research Council, National Research Council committees on review of the toxicological assessment of tetrachloroethylene and of EPA’s New Source Review program, a NARSTO assessment of multipollutant air quality management, a World Health Organization working group on uncertainty in exposure assessment, and as lead author for uncertainty in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Frey has more than 100 peer-reviewed published journals and has supervised more than 40 dissertations and theses. He has won numerous awards, including the NC State Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award (2008), the Earthwise Faculty Award (2009) and the Lyman A. Ripperton Environmental Educator Award of the A&WMA (2012). He has been honored as a Fellow and past president of the Society for Risk Analysis and as a Fellow of the Air & Waste Management Association.
Frey received a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Virginia (1985) and an M.S. in mechanical engineering (1987) and Ph.D. in engineering and public policy (1991) from Carnegie Mellon University.
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