Splat! Giant Silly Putty ball to be dropped from roof of NC State library
What: High school students at a North Carolina State University engineering camp will see how materials react under pressure when they watch a 50-pound ball of Silly Putty dropped from the roof of the 10-story D.H. Hill Library onto the campus Brickyard. Media coverage is invited.
Who: The event is held for rising high school juniors and seniors as part of Materials Camp, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s summer outreach program. The College of Engineering at NC State sponsors the camp and other summer programs in major engineering disciplines.
When: 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15 (a second drop will occur at the same time on Tuesday, June 22)
Where: The D.H. Hill Library on NC State’s main campus in Raleigh, NC (map).
More information: http://www.mse.ncsu.edu/news/high-school-students-get-two-shots-at-attending-2010-materials-camp
Media Contacts:
Roberto Garcia, Materials Camp coordinator, 919.272.4861
Roger Russell, Materials Camp coordinator, 919.608.3540
Nate DeGraff, Engineering Communications, 919.515.3848